Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spam Town, USA

     A couple of weekends ago, while Aaron was cheering on the Hawkeyes in Iowa City, Tate and I rode up to Minnesota with Great Grandma, Grandma, and Grandpa to cheer on the Austin Packers and watch cousins- Zach and Levi play soccer.  And bonus! Cindy and Aunt Cami drove to Austin for the games too.  We had such a great trip!  Tate travelled well, napped on schedule and had a great day in Spam Town, USA

     Zach and Levi did awesome and both won their games.  It was so fun to watch them play, they are both such talented athletes and sweethearts to boot.  But what's even crazier is that Zach is a senior this year, I feel ancient, because I went up there in the summer when they were just tiny babies to help take care of them, although, in hindsight, I probably wasn't much help.   

     After the soccer games were over we went back to Daniel and Karleen's so the boys could shower and we got to watch some of Zach's activities from homecoming week, which included coronation, dancing, spandex and small t-shirts. . . very entertaining :)  Then we headed for some Mexican, de-lish, and then back to Iowa.   

Gma and Tate checking out the soccer field

T, Zach and Levi post-game. They must've smelled, hence the face by Tate

#1 fan of soccer, at least that day

Boys' friend Josh was so sweet with T

He pry threw that ball 129 times that afternoon

High Fivin' Zach

I keep looking at this pic and thinking it's Chad

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