Monday, October 17, 2011

Day at the Orchard, part two

    Continued. . .
     Here are the remainder of the pictures from our day at the orchard.  It was such a beautiful day, 80 some degrees, sunny and a light breeze.  It's been a week since we visited and I still can't get over how much fun we had, maybe it was mostly me, but I really think Tate had a blast.  The place was so kid friendly, he could walk almost anywhere he wanted, there wasn't anything he could break and we got to be outside, which is Tate's number one goal of everyday.  I really don't know what we're going to do when the cold weather arrives, we'll all go stir crazy.

Family photo op

Nice props for photos, even better for Tate to throw

Might be the fave pic of the day

Trying to find the best one

For some reason, Tate really enjoyed sitting in the tires

Who loves the orchard? This kid

Open mouth kisses, every Mom's favorite

Mama and her toddler

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Great day at the orchard with Grandma

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