Sunday, July 17, 2011

Two Teeth vs. Sweet Corn

     This past Friday Aaron was doing some yard work for my parents, so Tate and I went over there to have supper Friday night.  We discovered that Tate loves sweet corn, somehow he's able to gnaw the corn off with his 2 little teeth.  It was so fun to watch him work the corn off the cob.

     We also went to Radcliffe Days this past weekend.  They had a parade, bounce toys in the park, a tractor pull and the kickball tournament.  Tate was a bit too small for any of the Radcliffe days fun, but he had a good time spending the day with Grandma Lori.  Which allowed Aaron and I to play in the kickball tournament.  We had a really good time and actually won the tournament, 4th championship for Wade's team.  (unfortunately I forgot the camera, so no kickball action shots)

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