Monday, July 25, 2011

Karate Kid

     Friday after work, Tate donned a sweatband and did a few karate moves with Daddy's help.  He really really loved it.  I wish I could have captured this on video, it really cracked me up.  Aaron was helping Tate do karate moves and he was giggling so hard.  Those little baby laughs just melt my heart, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

Watch out Ralph Macchio

Love it

     Saturday Aaron and Tate had some more bonding time, as I had a hair appointment and was also able to go out for lunch and pedicures with Molly and Sara.  I was so glad to be able to have a pampered day, and Tate was so tuckered out from a day playing with Daddy he went to bed 45 minutes earlier than usual.  It's funny how Saturday night has become the night of the week that I go to be the earliest.  Wow- how parenthood has changed our lives.

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