Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tate the Great

     It's hard to believe my little man will be 10 months old next week.  Here are a few pics of what we're so busy with everyday.

Tate has become quite an expert at pat-a-cake and so big!  Sometimes he jumps to the so big! part a little early.  He just gets his arms flapping and can't contain his excitement.

We've also discovered the cabinets and doors.  At first just getting his hands on the tupperware was treat enough, now the big thing is to slam the doors shut and open them, then slam/open, slam/open....

Most every evening we go on a coupe car ride or stroller ride, lots of "ooooh-ooooh" during the car rides.  But if we go too far in the car, all the vibrating from the cement kind of starts to lull Tate to sleep, so we either have to take him out or stop and snap him out of the trance.

And finally, lots of time pulling himself up onto the music center, ottoman, couch, doors, walls, Mommy's leg, anything at all.  He's getting a bit more brave and going one-handed, walking along things and transferring from one piece of furniture to the next.  Lord- help us, please.

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