Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby's First Independence Day

     We decided to stay home for the 4th of July weekend since Tate had an ear infection and cough.  Even though he was a bit more irritable occasionally, it was hard to tell he was sick most of the time.  And the little bugger still woke up early every-single- day and was ready to get moving. 
     Saturday we went to my parent's place, sans parents, to have a little pool time.  As much as I want this kid to be a fish, I think that the big pool is a bit too intimidating and cool right now to be his favorite thing.  After our little pool party, we stopped at Little Wall Lake campground to say hi to the Nessa clan.  I've lost track of the number of times I've asked Aaron if we can get a camper, but after witnessing the chaos of eight children 5 and under camping, I think I'll quit pressing the issue for a few years.
     Sunday was a nice day at home just relaxing, eating, napping and riding Tate's little cozy coupe car he got from the Truesdell family. 
     On the 4th we went to the farm again for swimming and sun with Grandma and Grandpa.  Then to Iowa Falls for Riverbend Rally parade with Nana, Papa, my parents, the cousins and their parents.  We got to enjoy a great parade, then grilled at Mike and Molly's afterward.  Ear infection and all, we had a pretty good Independence Day weekend.

Bright & early Saturday morning
Planning his escape


Parade with Papa


Yummy fruit

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