Friday, July 29, 2011

Mowing with Daddy

Earlier this week we borrowed Grandpa Loren's lawn mower and Tate was all about it.  From the moment Aaron started mowing til the mower was shut down, he did not take his eyes off of that thing.  While Aaron was mowing he sat inside and watched.  Tate was talking and banging on the glass while Daddy mowed.

Hurry up please

Then came his moment of glory: getting to ride.  Just like everything else, he's very straight faced while he seems to be figuring out what it's all about.  But for some reason, the loud noise didn't seem to bother him.

Mowing with Dad (blades off, of course)

Tooling around the circle

Maybe someday...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Spagetti and Ice Cream

Friday night we travelled to Marshalltown to meet Aunt Cami for supper.  We ate at an Italian restaurant and we attempted to feed Tate spagetti, not such an easy thing to do.  At 10 months old Tate is very insistent upon feeding himself, therefore feeding spagetti is almost impossible.  We had a huge pile on the floor, but he got we got that kid fed. 

And of course we had to get ice cream.  It was almost as messy as dinner, but I had a happy kid and he fell asleep on the way home, so I was a happy Mom too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Toads have been abundant on the farm this year.  So Tate and Grandma Lori went walking and exploring in the yard, and look what they found: a toad! 

And when Tate tried to touch it this it the dialogue that occurred:
Chelsie: EEK!!
Aaron: You can't make him scared of everything.
Tate would try to touch it...
Chelsie: EEK!!
Aaron: He's a boy! He's suppose to touch toads and get dirty.
Tate would try to touch it...
Chelsie: eek!! (I got quieter at least)
Aaron: It's just a toad.
Tate touched it!
Chelsie: We've gotta wash his hands as soon as we get inside.

 And I'm sure it would have gone right into his mouth if he were allowed to grab it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Karate Kid

     Friday after work, Tate donned a sweatband and did a few karate moves with Daddy's help.  He really really loved it.  I wish I could have captured this on video, it really cracked me up.  Aaron was helping Tate do karate moves and he was giggling so hard.  Those little baby laughs just melt my heart, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

Watch out Ralph Macchio

Love it

     Saturday Aaron and Tate had some more bonding time, as I had a hair appointment and was also able to go out for lunch and pedicures with Molly and Sara.  I was so glad to be able to have a pampered day, and Tate was so tuckered out from a day playing with Daddy he went to bed 45 minutes earlier than usual.  It's funny how Saturday night has become the night of the week that I go to be the earliest.  Wow- how parenthood has changed our lives.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chillin' Out

We headed to the farm for some cooling off in the pool.  And Tate was a big fan, most likely because the water was like tub water from all this heat we've had. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cheerios Butt

... is what happens when you have a speedy 10 month old and leave Cheerios on the floor without the lid on.

The spill

The feed

Cheerios butt

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Two Teeth vs. Sweet Corn

     This past Friday Aaron was doing some yard work for my parents, so Tate and I went over there to have supper Friday night.  We discovered that Tate loves sweet corn, somehow he's able to gnaw the corn off with his 2 little teeth.  It was so fun to watch him work the corn off the cob.

     We also went to Radcliffe Days this past weekend.  They had a parade, bounce toys in the park, a tractor pull and the kickball tournament.  Tate was a bit too small for any of the Radcliffe days fun, but he had a good time spending the day with Grandma Lori.  Which allowed Aaron and I to play in the kickball tournament.  We had a really good time and actually won the tournament, 4th championship for Wade's team.  (unfortunately I forgot the camera, so no kickball action shots)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


     This evening both Aaron and I had to work late, so Grandma Lori helped us out with Tate.  They went over to Great Grandpa Loren and Great Grandma Kathy's house to celebrate her birthday.  Sounds like they had a really good time.  They were able to capture a few shots, this one was my favorite.  Happy Birthday Grandma Kathy!  We love you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Carousel with the Cousins

     Wednesday evening we met with Mike, Sara and their kids for some fun at the carousel and soft serve ice cream.  Claire and Emma were all about riding the carousel as many times as they could, and they were really excited for Tate to ride with them.  Tate was a little shell shocked by all the lights and loud music playing, but he went for a few rides and didn't scream or cry.  I'll take it.  As you can see by his expression in these pictures, he was a bit overwhelmed.  But a little Twisty Dip soft serve revived him a little before heading home. 

Tate and Daddy on the carousel

Momma, Tate, Emma (on the horse) and Claire.  Drew was a great spectator and stayed with his Mommy in the Baby Bjorn.

Maybe next summer will be more fun :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mani/Pedi on the Porch

     This past weekend we had a little garage sale here in town at my grandparent's shop/storage area.  The storage area used to be a flooring store, so Tate had a pretty good time crawling around on the carpet and checking out everything on his level.  It was fairly successful, but obviously not the sale of the century, since Tate was able to have his run of the room. 
     But holy cow, we almost had  fisticuffs amidst the 25 cent rope lights, the dancing Santa and my old alto sax.  Although the two men weren't fighting over one of our fabulous items, they exchanged some words regarding some old family drama.  In defense of the "victim," he did nothing to invite this harrassment and the "attacker" was obviously not the brightest crayon in the box. I was enthralled in the drama, but my Mom instantly had a stomachache, like she always gets during confrontation. Anyway, no punches were thrown and the "attacker" left the sale.  (neither men bought any of our crap either)
    In other news, this was what our family did on this lovely Tuesday evening.  Tate is totally in love with watching his Daddy mow the lawn.  He was so enthralled with watching him I was able to do a mini mani/pedi and trim his finger and toe nails.  (Aaron would not like that I used that phrase regarding his son)  But of course after the trimming, he became antsy and needed to get closer.

And this is what we look like after most meals and this is actually not too bad.  I don't really know how he comes home from daycare eating two meals there looking mostly put together, but then we do supper at home, and it's a disaster.  He feeds himself for the most part so I'll blame that. 


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tate the Great

     It's hard to believe my little man will be 10 months old next week.  Here are a few pics of what we're so busy with everyday.

Tate has become quite an expert at pat-a-cake and so big!  Sometimes he jumps to the so big! part a little early.  He just gets his arms flapping and can't contain his excitement.

We've also discovered the cabinets and doors.  At first just getting his hands on the tupperware was treat enough, now the big thing is to slam the doors shut and open them, then slam/open, slam/open....

Most every evening we go on a coupe car ride or stroller ride, lots of "ooooh-ooooh" during the car rides.  But if we go too far in the car, all the vibrating from the cement kind of starts to lull Tate to sleep, so we either have to take him out or stop and snap him out of the trance.

And finally, lots of time pulling himself up onto the music center, ottoman, couch, doors, walls, Mommy's leg, anything at all.  He's getting a bit more brave and going one-handed, walking along things and transferring from one piece of furniture to the next.  Lord- help us, please.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We love Nana

Tate is a very lucky little boy to have such a great Nana.  Last night Molly came down to spend the evening with Tate and I while Mike had an appointment.  Nana fed Tate, played with him, took him on a cozy coupe ride, gave him a bath, fed him his bottle and put him to bed.  Not only did Tate get spoiled, so did this Momma.  Thank you Nana!  We love you!

Day one

10 days old

9.5 months old

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby's First Independence Day

     We decided to stay home for the 4th of July weekend since Tate had an ear infection and cough.  Even though he was a bit more irritable occasionally, it was hard to tell he was sick most of the time.  And the little bugger still woke up early every-single- day and was ready to get moving. 
     Saturday we went to my parent's place, sans parents, to have a little pool time.  As much as I want this kid to be a fish, I think that the big pool is a bit too intimidating and cool right now to be his favorite thing.  After our little pool party, we stopped at Little Wall Lake campground to say hi to the Nessa clan.  I've lost track of the number of times I've asked Aaron if we can get a camper, but after witnessing the chaos of eight children 5 and under camping, I think I'll quit pressing the issue for a few years.
     Sunday was a nice day at home just relaxing, eating, napping and riding Tate's little cozy coupe car he got from the Truesdell family. 
     On the 4th we went to the farm again for swimming and sun with Grandma and Grandpa.  Then to Iowa Falls for Riverbend Rally parade with Nana, Papa, my parents, the cousins and their parents.  We got to enjoy a great parade, then grilled at Mike and Molly's afterward.  Ear infection and all, we had a pretty good Independence Day weekend.

Bright & early Saturday morning
Planning his escape


Parade with Papa


Yummy fruit

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cool Whip!

     With this 100 degree Iowa weather, we decided to take a trip to my parents for a dip in the pool.  Tate usually loves the water but last night he wasn't the biggest fan. 

     He'd had a runny nose for a couple days, but his behavior hadn't changed at all, so we thought maybe it was just allergies.  Come to find out today, he has an ear infection.  Poor kiddo!  Amoxicillin-here we come.  Cold and ear infection, all the same, this kid doesn't slow down too much.   

     Although the pool was fun and all, I think the Cool Whip was the biggest hit.  Grandma said it was ok for him to dig in. (Of course she did, would Grandma ever say no?)  It was interesting to see how he approached this freedom, you'd think a baby would just stick his hands right in there, but Tate would just stick his index and thumb in, as if  he were trying to pick up just a little piece of Cool Whip.  After a couple minutes, he became a bit less apprehensive, hergo Cool Whip baby. We stuck that boy in the tub right away.