Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Just for my memory . . .

Time sure does fly by!  Damon is now one year old, Tate is 3 1/2 and so much has happened already in 2014!  Aaaron earned the head football coaching position at Roland-Story, we sold our house and at this time, don't know where we'll land, but excited about the possibilities.  It's so hard to believe that it's almost May, yet I still feel like 2014 is just getting started.

Like I've said before, this blog is mostly to help my memory, because it's horrible, really really horrible.  I feel so sorry for my children because I know they'll ask me questions about their childhood and I won't be able to recall a lot . . . thankfully Aaron has a pretty great memory, so I'll have to rely on him (and the blog).

So for my memory's sake, here's what the boys are up to these days:

Tate- 3 1/2 years old

  • Totally loves the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Likes to watch The Incredibles, Toy Story 3 and Frozen.  To his father's chagrin, he knows most of the words (and actions) to the movie Frozen, but also to the other two.
  • Favorite food: Noodles.  Any way he can get them.  Noodles and chicken, "spicy noodles", plain noodles, macaroni noodles. . . 
  • Loves to be outside ALL THE TIME!
  • Tate's so verbal about his thoughts and emotions.  I adore those moments when he wraps his little arms around my neck and tells me, "I so love you Mommy"  But on the other hand, has trouble expressing anger and disappoint, for example: pick him up from daycare when they're playing outside, these words come out: "I don't love you anymore Mommy."  Breaks my heart a bit, but I know that feeling will pass quickly and we'll be back in love.
  • He loves to go to the farm and run around outside, go to the creek, play with the dogs, feed the dogs with Grandpa and spend time there, whenever possible.
  • Tate always loves his days up at Nana and Papa's too, he gets to throw rocks in the river, play outside, see his cousins and has a super fun day in Iowa Falls.
  • One last thing to remember, I went into his room to wake him from his nap, but he was already awake lying there he ask, "Is it time for brother bear to wake up?"  Melt my heart, how sweet! 
  • He loves and despises his brother.  One moment he might be rubbing Damon's back, talking in a sweet voice to him or playing around the living room, both giggling like crazy. . . and the next moment they are shoving, hitting, biting and crying.
  • Tate can sing his ABC's, count to 20-almost, still working on the colors. . . those are tough and frankly, he just doesn't care.
Damon- 13 months
  • This kid has my heart, he is definitely a Momma's boy right now!  I love it so much, but also crave a little freedom at times.
  • Damon has been running since we was about 9 months old and refuses to slow down.  He can walk and run quite well, but runs on his toes, so he always appears to be on the verge of falling, which happens frequently.  
  • Finally, finally, FINALLY got his kid to sleep through the night shortly after his first birthday.  It was a long year of waking in the night for this entire family, but we are now doing much better.
  • Damon is a great eater, he likes similar things as Tate; noodles, chicken, watermelon, cantaloupe, hot dogs, peas to name a few.
  • We haven't mastered many words, we've got "uh-oh" "Taaaahhte" and something that sounds like "shit".  I think maybe he means to say "sit", or at least I hope so.
  • Damon takes on a different personality when Tate isn't around.  He's loud, he's a show boat and likes to be seen and heard.  
  • This kid is sensitive, his feelings get hurt by stern words, he cries when Tate cries, he covers his mouth with his hand when he cries.
  • Damon loves his blanket and edges of shirts or blankets.  One of my favorite parts of the day is rocking him before bed.  He finds the edge of my t-shirt on my upper arm and puts a couple fingers above and a couple below and just grazes my arm, I love it so and hope he never loses this little quirk.

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