Friday, May 25, 2012

Mother's Day at Nana's

Mother's Day was such a gorgeous day a few Sundays ago.  We spent the entire day outside, which was perfect for everyone, especially for that special little boy that made me a Mom.  After nap, we headed up to Iowa Falls to spend the evening with Nana Molly.  We played outside some more, had supper and planted flowers with the cousins and Nana. 

We also attempted to get some pictures suitable for framing with Nana and the grandkids.  Tate wasn't interested, so Papa tried to help.  Here's how that went:

Nana and girls smiling.  Drew staring, and Tate upset.

Nana and girls still smiling, Drew doing ok, Tate mad.

At least everyone has their eyes open.

And finally. The girls holding on to their smiles and now BOTH boys have had enough! hahaha

This kid was a lot happier with a bit more freedom and space.  Just strolling with his favorite Papa!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Mother's Day blog pictures and postings! You have such a good camera, the pics are so clear. It was a fun day.......!!! Thanks for posting them.
