Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas-palooza 1/3

I know it's a bit late for Christmas stuff, but regardless, here's a ton of pics from our celebrations. . .
         I love Christmas and lucky for me, we had a three day weekend to celebrate.  Friday night after work Aaron, Tate and I headed up to Iowa Falls to start the celebration with a sleepover at Papa and Nan's house.  We had such a great time hanging out, eating Chinese food (Chuong Garden- the best!) and visiting.  The only snafu occurred when we were going out for the tour of lights and Tate started coughing, which then lead to vomiting in his carseat.  Poor baby Tate.  Light tour done, bath #2 on the way.  Once he was out of his puke clothes, life was good again and then it was bedtime for the baby.
       Christmas Eve day we had delicious monkey bread for breakfast, steaks for lunch, snacks all afternoon and sandwiches for supper.  Late morning the Truesdell troop came down to start the Christmas fun.  After lunch we opened gifts and everyone got spoiled.  We all got some great gifts, the highlight being the new iPads for Aaron and Mike T.  Tate got some great stuff-  John Deere tractor to ride on, pirate water table for summer, a Hawkeye pillow pet, and an Elmo doll to name a few.  Lucky kid!  I also got some great gifts, my favorite being a daycare gift card from Mike & Molly.

Drew checking out the goods

Tate stacking his gifts

. . .and about to knock them all off

Tearing off the paper. . . piece by piece

All the kids loving Christmas

Pillow pet!

Safari truck and Papa's yellow socks

Thanks for the tractor T's

I think Claire is explaining to Tate he's too young for the cash register right now

Kinda looks like they're deep in conversation

And it looks like Drew's telling Tate, it's going to be ok. But in all actuality, Tate thought Drew was getting too close for comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Chelsie: I have to laugh at the puke story because we got to experience it with Brynna traveling in the car seat after a sleepover at G'mas house. I know exactly what that cough sounds like:)
    Tate is such a cutie, looks like you all enjoyed Christmas in spite of the sickness!
