Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy First Birthday Tate

     Tate turned one last week on the 13th, it's so hard to believe an entire year has already gone by.  I am always amazed at the amount of love I have for this child, every single day is a new adventure and I thank the Lord everyday we were so blessed with this little boy.      
     At one year Tate is walking, talking, growing and dancing his way deeper into our hearts.  He knows how to say Dada, Mama, ball and jabbers all day long.  Tate started cruising around the house a few days after turning 11 months and has not stopped since.  Even if a ball is only a foot away, he'll get that rear in the air, stand up, walk over and then sit back down.  Needless to say, we've been trying to keep up, which you would think would be easier than it is. 
     In addition to walking, Tate loves to clap his hands when he hears other people clapping, loves to dance when he hears a beat and sometimes "sings" along to a good song.  The dancing is the absolute best; we do a lot of head bobbing, knee bending and swaying his head from side to side. 
    At the one year appointment Tate weighed in a 20 lbs, 5 oz, 29.5 inches tall and a big head, just like his mother.  As you may notice, Tate's not the biggest baby you've ever seen, but his pediatrician says he is well nourished, has nice cheeks and a round belly, so we're doing alright.
     It's been the fastest year of my life (except for the 5, 10 and 15 minute increments when we've sleep trained :).  Here are a few pictures from his actual day of birth one year ago and his first birthday last week.

Like all children, the toys were fun at first, then it was the boxes, paper and bags that stole the show

Birthday boy and Daddy
More clothes, not excited

Fancy new sweatshirt


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