Thursday, September 22, 2011

Taste of Madison

     Labor Day weekend we travelled up to Madison, WI to visit Chad and Brittni and to go to the Taste of Madison food event on the square downtown.  Or Taste of Mexico, as I was told by my Mom, all the while wondering why Madison would have a strong Mexican heritage, oh Lois, you silly lady.
     Saturday morning we took off for Madison, Tate travelled really well, we made one stop at Menard's in Dubuque, bought some cheese curds and continued our trek.  Tate and Chewy become best friends, although Tate doesn't like to share his ball with Chewy- at all.  We watched the Iowa game that afternoon, went to the shopping center and later out to eat to Quaker Steak & Lube.  Good wings, weird name.
     Sunday morning was lazy and we headed to the Taste of Mexican/Madison shortly before noon to eat our way around the square.  We had amazing barbecue, cheese balls, cheesecake, gyros, french fries and corn on the cob.  We were able to time all the travelling pretty well, so Tate was able to nap for a good chunk of the trip.  Tate and I were dropped off in Radcliffe on the way home to go a birthday party for Gracie who was turning 5!

Chewy and Tate playing Jenga


Grandpa Randy was ready for Taste of Mexico

Trying a gyro... and loving it


Right after this shot, Tate fell and got a mud stain in his hair, no tears though

Much better view from up there


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday Party

We celebrated Tate's birthday on the Eleventh of September with family at our home.  He didn't actually turn one til the 13th though.  The day started out shaky, as Tate puked up his eggs at breakfast, wonderful.  Aaron and I worried we would have to cancel the party, but Tate rallied and he did pretty well at the party.  Although we did take him to the doctor the following day, to find out, yet again, ear infection. ENT here we come.  Regardless, the party was a success, Tate had fun, got some great gifts and was surrounded by loved ones.

Pedro- the red rubber donkey, Tate mostly likes to poke his eyes.

We thought this was an adorable photo op, Tate did not

Go Hawks!

Now he can help Dad mow

702 gifts to open and he goes for Ayda's paci

Tate did not care to get frosting on his hands

Two monkey cakes, twice the fun

Happy First Birthday Sussy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy First Birthday Tate

     Tate turned one last week on the 13th, it's so hard to believe an entire year has already gone by.  I am always amazed at the amount of love I have for this child, every single day is a new adventure and I thank the Lord everyday we were so blessed with this little boy.      
     At one year Tate is walking, talking, growing and dancing his way deeper into our hearts.  He knows how to say Dada, Mama, ball and jabbers all day long.  Tate started cruising around the house a few days after turning 11 months and has not stopped since.  Even if a ball is only a foot away, he'll get that rear in the air, stand up, walk over and then sit back down.  Needless to say, we've been trying to keep up, which you would think would be easier than it is. 
     In addition to walking, Tate loves to clap his hands when he hears other people clapping, loves to dance when he hears a beat and sometimes "sings" along to a good song.  The dancing is the absolute best; we do a lot of head bobbing, knee bending and swaying his head from side to side. 
    At the one year appointment Tate weighed in a 20 lbs, 5 oz, 29.5 inches tall and a big head, just like his mother.  As you may notice, Tate's not the biggest baby you've ever seen, but his pediatrician says he is well nourished, has nice cheeks and a round belly, so we're doing alright.
     It's been the fastest year of my life (except for the 5, 10 and 15 minute increments when we've sleep trained :).  Here are a few pictures from his actual day of birth one year ago and his first birthday last week.

Like all children, the toys were fun at first, then it was the boxes, paper and bags that stole the show

Birthday boy and Daddy
More clothes, not excited

Fancy new sweatshirt


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We've been on a blogging vacation since last week as we were planning Tate's birthday party and also due to the fact that the power cord to our laptop is on the fritz.  So until our new cord arrives, the laptop time has been limited to battery power and borrowing a power cord.  New pics from the birthday party, actual birthday and others to be posted soon.  :)

Friday, September 2, 2011


Wednesday night Sara and the kids came down to Story City for pizza and cousin play time.  We took the kids out for a walk after supper and were able to see a 4 month old colt, Flash, that was in town for the evening.  The owner said they brought him into town to get him used to being in town and around people, they said he'd be used for trail riding and wrangling cattle.  Tate was reaching to get closer to the colt and once we got closer he lost some of his gusto, but he did pet Flash.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hide and Seek

When we were playing in Tate's bedroom, he crawled around the corner of the shelf and parked himself in the corner.  He had a very mischevious look on his face when I first spotted him.  By the time I grabbed the camera, he was already on the move.  Now that this little tike is walking, he's keeping Aaron and me on our toes at all times.  We're gonna need more rest.