Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This and that. . .

No story or captions, just a few shot from the past 7 weeks since Damon has been here :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Easter!

      First Easter as a family of four.  Tate was all about the egg hunt this year.  A lot of "oh! I found another one!"  Unfortunately, due to the weather, all of the Easter egg hunts were indoors.
     Palm Sunday we spent celebrated Easter in Radcliffe with Aaron's family.  Unfortunately, Tate missed with egg hunt again this year, he got pretty tired after lunch and needed a nap.  But the other kids left his eggs alone and he got to hunt for eggs with cousin Ayda when he woke up.
     Easter Sunday we went to church, had a quick brunch and egg hunt at my parents then went home for naps.  After naps we headed to Grandpa Loren and Grandma Kathy's house for supper.  My cousin Jennifer and her boyfriend helped Tate with an egg hunt, once again, he loved it.  He had so many egg hunts this year, I think he expects to continue to find eggs with treats inside the rest of the year.

Happy Easter!

What do you think Great Grandpa?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Damon's Birth Day!

      So, here are some of the details:

2/25/13:  1 day overdue, worked 8 hrs and heard a lot of "you're still here?" and "you poor thing"
      4:30 pm:  Came home, chased Tate up and down the hallways.  Eviction notice issued.
      6:50 pm:  After supper Tate and I got down on our hands and knees to wash the floor.  Let's go!
      9:30 pm:  Running up and down the stairs.  Take no prisoners!
    11:00 pm:  Watching tv and beginning to realize that this baby might actually be listening. Hmm...
    11:20 pm:  Let's do a load of laundry, take a shower, finish packing, fold some laundry. . .
    11:58 pm:  Timing the contractions . . . for the next 2 hours . . .
      2:00 am:  "First nurse? Can I come to the hospital?"  "No, wait a bit longer."
      3:30 am:  "Aaron- get up, it's time to go to the hospital!" And then Tate wakes up!
      4:00 am:  After the last snuggles with Tate as an only child (tear), we are on the road to MGMC.
      4:30 am:  Admitted to the hospital and they are not sending me home without a baby!
       . . .          IV started, epidural completed, and feeling pretty good.
      9:15 am:  Finally complete, let's start to push. . .
      9:37 am:  And now we are a family of four!  Sooo worth all the waddling, pain, pushing, and time.

Right before I donned the hospital gown, so happy to finally be in labor!  @ 4:30am. . .
And right after Damon was introduced to the world 5 hrs later @ 9:37am
First photo of our family of four

A lot of silly boys on my hands now

Smooches for his new brother


Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby hiatus

     My last post was just 6 days before baby Damon joined our family.  Unlike Tate, this child decided to stay in my belly past his due date by 2 days.  Damon Jon arrived at 9:37am on February 26th, weighing 8 lbs 15 oz and 22 inches long with lots of dark black hair and chubby little cheeks.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  These were all taken while in the hospital when he was just 2 days old.