Tuesday, January 15, 2013

And the final Christmas. . .

The Saturday after Christmas we spend at the farm with my parents and the rest of the family.  After an early nap, we had a late lunch, opened gifts and played outside on the drifts until the sun went down.

Lucky duck Tate got a new glider/balance bike so he'll be all set to ride laps around the culdesac this summer.  But at this point, he's much more content wearing his helmet and letting others push him.  Great workout for your legs, not so great for your lower lumbar.

My mom got a fancy new camera for Christmas, so I only took a few pics on my own camera and a lot on hers.  Mine are downloaded, hers are not.  This is the only shot worth posting, nice.

He's eating a pickle, which he likes, so I'm not sure why such a face. . . 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas again

Christmas day we woke up in hopes Santa had visited.  At 2 years old, Tate knew Santa was coming, he knew he would bring presents and books.  But I still think he was a bit too young to fully understand the Santa/ Christmas concept.  We also sang a lot of "happy dirpedbay to Jesus"   

This may have been our last Christmas where we didn't really have a "wish list" of toys that Tate really really wanted.  And because he was mostly about opening the gifts, we were good to go when I wrapped up some new clothes along with toys.  Both sets of grandparents came down for brunch and to watch Tate open gifts and to spend some family time together on Christmas day.

We were able to be home all day because we didn't need to go to my grandparents home til late afternoon.  So Tate took a great nap at home and then we headed across town to my grandparents for the big Handeland family Christmas and kumla supper. 

checking out the stockings and Santa stuff

yee haw mickey!

"Is this my present?"  We heard that a lot this Christmas

Not sure if we're saying "no-no" or "stay."  Either way Chewy probably listens better than Tate :)

And the big tada. . . a playhouse!  Yay- Tate fits great, his prego Mom, not so much

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we headed up to Iowa Falls to celebrate Christmas with Aaron's immediate family.  Aaron and Papa took Tate, cousin Claire and cousin Emma down to the frozen river to sled and play outside before it was time to open presents.  They had a blast on the sleds and playing in the snow.  We spent the afternoon snacking, opening gifts, playing and relaxing.  After supper we went to church service, looked at Christmas lights and then headed home to get ready for Santa to visit.  

Aaron pulling Tate & Claire, Papa pulling Emma
Daddy & Tate
Emma, Claire and Tate
Papa & Tate

Ah, come on Tate!  Almost a good pic 
Aaron pulling Tate up the hill, he was clinging on for dear life

Tate is now ready to help Daddy trim trees
I think at this point Tate was building a "cage" of wrapping paper and boxes
Drew & Tate bouncing on his new trampoline

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Photo Montage

It's been a couple months since posting.  Here's a little photo montage of Tate, the only child.  But I am now at almost 34 weeks and he's soon to be a big brother.  So I'm sure more photo montages are to follow!

All is going well and we are super excited, nervous and blessed to be welcoming a new baby to our family soon.