Sunday, August 26, 2012

We love the Iowa State Fair!

   Last week during the Iowa State Fair Tate and I drove down to take in the sights and eats.  Aaron wasn't able to come since he'd already started teacher inservices. 
   Tate really loved seeing all the different animals, eating a corn dog, but hands down, his favorite part of the day was getting to check out all the "big tractors."  We were also able to visit Wade and Carson in the horse barn and watched Wade get his big horses cleaned up and ready to show.  By 2 o'clock Tate was sacked out in the stroller, I was full of grease and cookies and it was getting warmer than necessary.  So we headed for home, Tate slept the whole way home and when we got home I was able to snuggle him into bed with me for another two hours of naptime, a dream come true!

Tate liked this size horse. . .
better than this size horse. Hi Wade!

Daddy needs one of these

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hiatus. . .

      Sorry for the hiatus folks!  The summer kind of took over and suddenly there was no time for uploading photos.  Also, our computer crashed and was "completely corrupted" in the words of the computer repair guy.  Fortunately: it's working for the most part now, unfortunately: he completely wiped the computer, so we lost all photos that have been on here for the past 4 years, all documents and videos.  No- I did not have it backed up, I didn't cry, but came pretty darn close that day.
     Since the last time we talked:
-  Aaron has started football, which included  equipment checkout, high school and junior high camp, 2-a-day practices, meetings, Powerade scrimmage and they've also already had their first game(loss)!
-  My parents took Tate up to Clear Lake on a Wednesday afternoon to visit the Vierkandt family, and luckily I was able to join them the next day. Sounded like Tate enjoyed his camping experience and he definitely loved being outside all the time, throwing rocks in the lake, swinging and boating.  As you can see by the pictures below he started his day with a nap on the beach and ended the day with a quick snooze on the way in.
-  Aaron started his new teaching career at Roland-Story Middle School with some in-services and classes last week.  He'll be teaching 8th grade English and P.E.  We're both so excited to be able to be a part of this community and for him to finally have his own classroom.
-  While Aaron has been busy with football Tate and I have been visiting family and friends around Story City, trying to keep busy and keep cool.  We went to the fair, saw tons of animals (literally), ate some great fair food and tuckered ourselves out.  We both had a 2+ hour nap that day, the best! (more pics to follow)
-  And another reason for the hiatus in posting is my recent issue of exhaustion.  I've been falling asleep with Tate most nights for the past 8 weeks because the little baby in my tummy has demanding a lot of my energy.  Yes!  Aaron and I are expecting a new baby coming February 2013.  We are so excited, blessed and thankful.  It'll be so fun to see Tate as a big brother. 
     That's all for now, that's a quick update and I'm sure I've left a lot out.  But I believe my tired phase is mostly over, so hopefully we can keep those interested more updated.  Thanks for reading.
Great nap on the beach, cool breeze and shady for the babe
Levi and Tate "tubing"

Tired baby and Momma

Grandma and Tate "kissing"

"I love boating!"

Karleen (or Katie as Tate was saying) relaxing after a fun day