And that's what Tate did Monday night for 2 hours before finally giving up at 10:15pm. Maybe this blog entry will make some other Mom's feel better. I know it always makes me feel like a more "normal" Mom when I hear that other people are experiencing similar struggles that we are.
We used to have the perfect little bedtime man. Bath, lotion, pj's, bottle and to bed we went at 8:00pm. Over the last couple of weeks we got out of this routine and it's been a struggle to get this kid to go to bed. Monday took the cake. We'd been on a walk, during which Tate fell asleep and stayed asleep when I took him inside. We skipped the bath because he was so sleepy, he took his bottle and then the waterworks began. He cried, pooped, cried, tried laying down with him, cried, tried watching a cartoon, cried, crawled around, cried, sang songs, cried, took a car ride, cried! Finally at 10:00 I turned on the cd player with a Christmas cd in it and he watch the lighted cd spin til he closed his little eyes and went to sleep.
Come Tuesday morning Aaron said Tate woke up coughing and tugging on his ears. He'd just completed ten days of amoxicillin a few days earlier, but apparently it did not do the trick. Tuesday afternoon we went to see Dr.Smith and sure enough- double ear infection. More antibiotics. That explains the Monday night cry fest. Two weeks ago I'd asked about tubes, but Dr.Smith said we should drag our feet since all of his ear infections have been spaced out. Of course now we have ear infections back to back. Dr.Smith also explained that if either parents had a history of frequent ear infections as a child, your child takes a bottle lying down, he uses a pacifier often, attends daycare or has had a recent ear infection, he is more likely to have ear infections. We qualify in all of these categories. Yay. We'll see what the next appointment brings, for now, we're sucking down the Omnicef.