Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Park

This summer has been a lot of firsts for us as a family of three.  One of those things includes going to the park.  Tate and I have frequented the park quite a few times this summer, at first just enjoying the swings.  But now we're expanding our world at the park: climbing up the steps, crawling through the tube and going down the slide.  All with assistance, which if you can imagine a 5'10" adult woman climbing through the little crawling tube after her child, should bring a smile to your face.  Seriously, I'm sure there's a weight limit, luckily, we haven't broken or cracked anything yet. 


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Cami!

    Happy Birthday to Aunt Cami!  Cami turns 22 today and also starts her senior year of college. It's hard to believe she's almost done with school.  As my sister, she's my best friend, as a sister-in-law I know Aaron is always entertained by how weird she can be and as an aunt and Godparent, she's the absolute best. 

                Happy Birthday Cami and good luck, we love you and hope you have a fantastic day!

Happy Birthday Auntie!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Look what I found

With all this mobility Tate has these days, it's interesting to see what kinds of things Tate finds to play with.  Why is it always that they'd rather play with things they shouldn't instead of the actual toys we've bought?  As you can see below, he found my bra.  Yummy?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

For Crying Out Loud

      And that's what Tate did Monday night for 2 hours before finally giving up at 10:15pm.  Maybe this blog entry will make some other Mom's feel better.  I know it always makes me feel like a more "normal" Mom when I hear that other people are experiencing similar struggles that we are.
     We used to have the perfect little bedtime man.  Bath, lotion, pj's, bottle and to bed we went at 8:00pm.  Over the last couple of weeks we got out of this routine and it's been a struggle to get this kid to go to bed.  Monday took the cake.  We'd been on a walk, during which Tate fell asleep and stayed asleep when I took him inside.  We skipped the bath because he was so sleepy, he took his bottle and then the waterworks began.  He cried, pooped, cried, tried laying down with him, cried, tried watching a cartoon, cried, crawled around, cried, sang songs, cried, took a car ride, cried!  Finally at 10:00 I turned on the cd player with a Christmas cd in it and he watch the lighted cd spin til he closed his little eyes and went to sleep.
     Come Tuesday morning Aaron said Tate woke up coughing and tugging on his ears.  He'd just completed ten days of amoxicillin a few days earlier, but apparently it did not do the trick.  Tuesday afternoon we went to see Dr.Smith and sure enough- double ear infection.  More antibiotics.  That explains the Monday night cry fest. Two weeks ago I'd asked about tubes, but Dr.Smith said we should drag our feet since all of his ear infections have been spaced out.  Of course now we have ear infections back to back.  Dr.Smith also explained that if either parents had a history of frequent ear infections as a child, your child takes a bottle lying down, he uses a pacifier often, attends daycare or has had a recent ear infection, he is more likely to have ear infections.  We qualify in all of these categories. Yay. We'll see what the next appointment brings, for now, we're sucking down the Omnicef.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cousins and More Cousins

Last Tuesday Tate and I traveled up to Iowa Falls to visit Nana and Papa.  Cousin Molly, Wilson and Samantha were also there to pick up cousin Alexis (who was visiting from the Las Vegas area).  It was such a nice evening to get to spend some time with cousin Molly (I write cousin Molly, because Molly is also Nana, just to clarify).  It had been three years since we'd seen Wilson and Samantha, they'd grown up so much.  Claire, Emma, Wilson and Samantha had such a fun time together, Tate just watched and wished his little legs would move fast enough to keep up.  Next year buddy, next year... 

Tate, Claire & Emma

Wilson, Emma, Samantha, Claire and Tate (don't worry, Papa was right there to catch him)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Football Fridays Have Begun

At the beginning of August Aaron returned to the football field to coach for the R-S Norseman again.  Last Friday was the Powerade inter-squad scrimmage.  So, of course, I dudded Tate up in some red and black to prepare for the scrimmage.  The jacket was perfect, but it was still so stinkin' hot out he didn't get to wear it long.  This Friday the Norse travel up to South Hamilton for, what should be, a good match up.

Ready to cheer!

Cheering for the Norse

He is watching the game, it just doesn't look like it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

11 months!

It's hard to believe this past Saturday Tate became 11 months old.  The year has flown by and I love every stage more than the last.  I try to get a picture of him on the loveseat with and without Aaron's college football.  But now that he's soooo mobile, I can barely get him to sit still long enough to get one picture, let alone one with the football.  As you can see below, he was in motion, thus the blurry picture. 

This photo was taken Monday evening, not only is he a crazy fast crawler, but he's taking more and more steps every day.  And he's a bit of a show off.  Very proud of himself here.  I know I'm his Mom and think he's the cutest thing, but honestly- can you really hold back a smile when you see a cheesy grin like this?

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Iowa State Fair

       On Friday Tate, Cami and I went to the State Fair.  I'm one of those people that loves the fair and always go every year.  I love the atmosphere, the people watching, the sights and the food, definitely the food.  When I was younger I even declined to go on vacation with a friend to make sure I didn't miss the fair, pathetic-yes.  So Friday we took Tate to his inaugural visit to the fair.  I really think he was a fan, maybe a bit too young to enjoy a lot of things he'll love next year, but it's always fun to watch him experience new things.  Tate even got his first tastes of a corn dog, cup of cookies and dippin' dots.  Don't worry Nana and Grandma, it was all in moderation and he had pears for lunch too. 
       When we first got to the fair we saw a throng of people, cameras and microphones following someone in the cattle barn.  After a glimpse of her glasses, I realized it was Sarah Palin and company.  It was really crazy how many people were surrounding her and hounding her. Then as we were about to leave in the afternoon, we were in line at Walt's lemonade stand for a drink.  And again, the throng of people were on the sidewalk.  Tate was sleeping at this time and some of the reporters were being bossy and yelling to clear the way.  Not so easy with hundreds of people around and a sleeping baby in the stroller.  Cami piped up and said, "excuse me! we have a sleeping baby here."  Sarah must've heard her and came over to shake Cami's hand and take a peek at Tate and ask how old he was, his name, etc.  Then Cami snapped a photo of Mrs.Palin and me before she headed over to the next stand to try fried butter on a stick.  Politics aside, it was an exciting few moments for Cami and me.  Might have to read her book now...
       Here are a few of the highlights from the day.

100 years of the Butter Cow

I know it's pathetic he didn't have shoes on, but he wasn't gonna be walking, don't judge

Cami and Tate checking out the cow from Radcliffe

Tate got to show a pig :)

Probably his favorite part of the day

Aunt Cami tickling

Turtle, turtle

Oh Sarah, you were talking!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hello Owen!!

 Earlier this week Tate and I went down to Indianola to see Christina, Jon and Owen.  Owen is such a good little boy.  He's almost 5 months old and already has a couple teeth, he was so good and so cute!  I think Tate would have loved to crawl all over Owen and eat his face.  It'll be so fun to watch these boys grown up together.  Here are a few pictures, Tate was cranky pants about pictures and Owen just hung out and let it happen.

The boys

Holding hands, awww

Owen: Mom- help me, this kid is attacking me!

Love this, wish it were clearer.

And... we're done.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Au Revoir Backpack

I'd like to take time to say good-bye to a dear friend of mine, the Backpack Pump.  We've been the breast of friends for almost 11 months, but it's come time for us to part ways.  You've been there for me when I was under pressure, when I needed relief and as a life line to my baby when I returned to work.  I thank you for your countless hours of dedication to our family and I look forward to becoming friends with you again someday.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Football Practice

     Last night Tate and I went on a walk around town and stopped by the football camp for the younger boys.  He got to watch with Daddy for awhile.  Tate really enjoyed studying all the boys running around and doing drills.  Someday. . . but not too soon.  I really don't think I'll enjoy watching other guys trying to smash my baby.  Yikes.

Get him some pads

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pool rats

     Last Friday Tate and I headed up to Iowa Falls to meet Aaron at his parents.  He's been working up there occasionally this summer to help clear the brush and cut down trees at his parent's new home.  So after the boys got done working, we all went up to the aquatic center to cool off.  Had a pretty good time at the pool and we only got the whistle blown at us once for having Tate in the water with me during break time.  Funny thing is, a few minutes earlier a lady in the pool said to me, "I think you can keep him in the water with you, as long as he stays with you."  Really?  I thought about letting him float around on his own, but thanks for the good advice.  :) That was a little mouthy and I didn't actually say it, but found the comment comical. 

Mike, Drew, Nana, Mike, Tate & Aaron

Uncle Mike from downtown

Emma-girl dunkin'

Emma showing Tate how to do it

Then Claire showing him

Tate trying it out
That little splashy thing was probably Tate's favorite activity, he and Papa had a good time trying to figure this out.  All 4 of the kiddos had a great time.  Claire and Emma had a great time jumping in and playing around.  Drew and Tate mostly just hung out, but both boys loved the water.  Drew got so relaxed he fell asleep in the pool.   Afterwards Mike and Molly treated us to pizza and chinese, de-lish!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary! #3

    Happy Anniversary to my hunka hunka burnin' love husband.  It's been 3 great years and day in, day out I love you.  That's all I'm going to share, I won't get gushy 'cause I don't want to embarass Aaron.  Anyway, just wanted to share a few pics of our great day from 3 years ago.  I loved every single moment of that day!
Mr & Mrs

Best ever

Fave pic of Claire, she wasn't even 2 yet

Props to my photographer-Keri Schmidt

Favorite moment of the day